Laser Hair Removal: So Convenient, You'll Wonder Why You Waited so Long

If you spent time repeatedly shaving and waxing unwanted hair, consider joining the more than one million Americans a year who opt for laser hair removal instead. With summer just around the corner, there’s no better time than now.

If you’re a woman or man with unwanted hair on your body, help is on the way. As a woman, you may be tired of shaving your legs practically every day in the summer or embarrassed about that ‘mustache’ over your lips that can develop during menopause. An increasing number of men are using the procedure to remove unwanted hair on the back or chest.

Laser hair removal is a popular procedure for a number of reasons. If you’re a woman, think of the time you spend shaving your legs over a lifetime, and the money you spend on razors, blades, and lotions. Using laser hair removal, you can literally save thousands of dollars over 30, 40, or 50 years. Removing unwanted hair also saves your valuable time; women shave on average almost 8,000 times during their lives.  

Laser hair removal is a safe, convenient way to rid yourself of unwanted hair. It’s one of the top five non-surgical cosmetic procedures performed in the U.S. every year.

At your visit to the Nashville Family Medical Clinic, Dr. Attoossi examines your hair and skin to determine if you’re a good candidate for the procedure. The process works best if you have dark hair and fair skin.

What to know before laser hair removal and how it works

Winter is a great time to have laser hair removal because you’ll need to avoid the beach and the pool along with tanning beds and spray tans for about six weeks before and after your appointment. Don’t use other methods to rid yourself of hair in the area for at least a month before your procedure.

Laser hair removal requires some patience. You’ll typically need between three and eight sessions to rid yourself permanently of hair in the treated area.

How does a laser remove all that hair on your legs, chest, or other area being treated? Your hair is attached to your skin by your hair follicles, the cells and tissue surrounding the root of each individual hair. The laser’s light is attracted to the melanin in the hair. Dark hair has more melanin, which is why the procedure works best if your hair is a darker shade. The laser’s energy destroys the hair in less than a second and also destroys the integrity of the hair follicles. Not all hair follicles respond to the laser the first time it’s applied, which is why you need a few sessions to destroy all of the hair in the area being treated.

What to expect during laser hair removal

Dr. Attossi’s medical assistant trims your hair almost to the skin on the area to be treated. Then your attendant sanitizes the area and spreads a gel to numb your skin. You can rest, read, or listen to music while the gel takes effect; it takes at least 30 minutes.

Next, you’ll be handed protective eyeglasses to wear during the procedure; your doctor and technician also wear them. Then the process begins. The doctor gently stretches your skin to pull it taut and holds the laser over it on the area being treated. The system includes a special cooling system which protects your skin and ensures the area doesn’t feel too hot during the procedure. You’ll experience a feeling like pinpricks on your skin.

If you’re having a small area done, like an embarrassing mustache if you’re a woman, removing the hair removal takes only a few minutes. If you’re a man who’s having laser hair removal on your back, it could take around an hour and possibly a little longer.

Aftercare for laser hair removal

Dr. Atoussi can apply a soothing cream to your skin if you need it right after the procedure. You can expect some swelling and redness in the area in the next few days, which is normal.

You’ll begin to see results fairly soon; hair is going to begin to fall out in the weeks following your first appointment, and it continues after each treatment.

Call or book an appointment with the Nashville Family Medical Clinic for expert laser hair removal and for compassionate medical treatment for your entire family.

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