Stretch Marks: Yes You Can Get Rid of Them

stretch marks

Stretch marks are extremely common. Whenever you have gained weight or height in a short period of time, your skin has to stretch to accommodate the growth. When skin changes dramatically in a short period of time, it can leave behind narrow, striated lines called stretch marks.

People often think that once you have stretch marks, you’re stuck with them forever. But Dr. Said Attoussi of the Nashville Family Medical Clinic offers new options to help you get rid of your stretch marks.

What causes stretch marks?

Stretch marks are a type of scar that some people get when their skin stretches. When our skin stretches quickly, the bond of collagen and elastin that holds it together is broken, leaving a mark.

Not all people get stretch marks. There is a genetic component -- if other members of your family have stretch marks, you’re more likely to get them too. Fluctuating hormone levels can increase your chance of getting stretch marks, which is part of why they often happen during the last trimester of pregnancy.

What are the risk factors for getting stretch marks?

Certain people are more likely to get stretch marks than others. Among those who are at greater risk include the following:

How can you get rid of stretch marks?

You may have heard the old wives’ tales about how to prevent stretch marks, such as rubbing cocoa butter or vitamin E into the skin. Studies have proven that none of these methods work to prevent stretch marks. However, because stretch marks can be itchy, these creams or lotions can offer some itch relief.

Natural tanning can make stretch marks more noticeable. On the other hand, artificial or self-tanning can help disguise your stretch marks, no matter how old they are. It cannot get rid of the marks entirely, however.

The one factor you may be able to control is the amount and rate of weight gain, especially if you’re pregnant. If you can avoid gaining weight quickly, you may not see as many stretch marks appear.

How can a doctor help get rid of stretch marks?

While there are a variety of possible stretch mark treatments, one of the most effective is Icon laser therapy. Icon™ therapy uses light energy from pulsed laser technology to lighten the appearance of stretch marks.

Icon therapy also helps make stretch marks disappear by breaking them down and by stimulating the production of collagen, which is a crucial component for building skin. Your stretch marks fade as your body develops new, healthy skin.

The Icon laser sessions are performed in Dr. Attoussi’s office, and most sessions take about 30 minutes. You’ll gradually see a reduction in your stretch marks after treatment, but most people need four to eight sessions for complete improvement. You can go back to your regular activities after the treatment.

If you have stretch marks and would like them to disappear, talk to Dr. Attoussi today. You can call our Nashville office or book an appointment using our easy online booking tool.

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